Keep Kids In Class Coalition
**The Keep Kids in Class Coalition was sunset in 2020. This site will be maintained for archival purposes.
Black students in the St. Louis region are 6 times more likely to be disciplined in schools and taken out of the classroom
In St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County During the 2015-2016 School Year
Black Students were Suspended
Lost School Days
Black students made up 33% of the student enrollment,
yet were given 72.6% of total suspensions
Suspensions have devastating effects
Students who are suspended or expelled are twice as likely to repeat a grade, are more likely to dropout of school, and have a higher probability of coming into contact with the juvenile justice system. This relationship between excessive discipline practices and the prison system is referred to as the School to Prison Pipeline. School should be their safe space, but all too often this is not the case.
We seek to reform school district policies and practices that disproportionately push Black students out of the classroom.

Our schools can help every child find a path to a fulfilling life.
Click on the categories below to learn more about the policy and practice changes that can bring this vision into reality.
This work is beyond any single individual and takes a village of dedicated organizations and localized organizing groups to push forward progress.