The coalition is made up of several regional organizations committed to ending the School to Prison Pipeline and advancing racial equity.  Members include, nonprofits, community organizations, and neighborhood associations. The coalition is a space for member organizations to collaborate, share expertise or resources, and build power together. ​

**Coalition Member information is historical and reflective of the organization in 2020

ACLU Missouri

The ACLU of Missouri is a nonprofit organization that defends civil liberties and the principles of equality and justice in Missouri through its litigation, legislative and public education programs. The ACLU of Missouri is one affiliate in a 50-state network of ACLU offices that collaborate in the pursuit of common national organization goals. The ACLU was founded in 1920 as the first public interest law firm of its kind, and is recognized as the country’s foremost advocate of individual rights. The ACLU of Missouri is committed to protecting the rights of all Missourians.

American Friends Service Committee

AFSC in St. Louis partners with youth most impacted by unjust systems and helps them see their own power to create institutional and systemic change.

Joshua Saleem

A Red Circle

Our mission statement is, “The holistic betterment of our community; reversing the effects of racism one person and cause at a time.”  Education justice is key to community betterment and reversing the effects of racism, which is why A Red Circle focuses on the whole child and his or her learning environment at home and at school.

Erica Williams, Executive Director
A Red Circle
6439 Plymouth Ave., Suite #W130
St. Louis, MO  63133
Office: 314-328-2286 

Forward Through Ferguson

Forward Through Ferguson (FTF) is the nonprofit organization formed to carry on the work of the Ferguson Commission. Embracing the Commission’s mandate, FTF centers impacted communities and mobilizes accountable bodies to advance racially equitable systems and policies that ensure all people in the St. Louis region can thrive. FTF’s focus is to help lead our region on a path toward Racial Equity—a St. Louis where outcomes are no longer predictable by race—by advocating for policy and systems change, strengthening regional capacity for Racial Equity work, and building the human and financial capital for this generational work.

Metropolitan Congregations United​

Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU) puts faith into action by developing leaders who move their congregations, organizations and communities to change public policy for the common good. MCU is a diverse group of faith and community leaders who empower families who have contact with the juvenile court system. We also organize to end the criminalization of black youth in education, police, and juvenile court systems by introducing reforms in those systems. Finally we aim to be the long term home where formerly incarcerated youth and adults build power to end the school to prison pipeline in Missouri.

Phone: 314-367-3484

Ready by 21 St. Louis

Ready by 21 St. Louis is a growing regional effort to ensure that all children and youth have the support they need to be safe, healthy, and successful from birth into adulthood.  Ready by 21 St. Louis achieves this vision by supporting collaboratives to change systems through policy, practice and investment.  We have specifically worked with coalitions targeting the child wellbeing outcomes of kindergarten readiness, access to health care, positive social and emotional skills development, youth engagement in community, and career readiness. 

Katie Kaufmann, Director
910 N. 11th Street
St. Louis, MO  63101
314.539.4065 (w)

West County Community Action Network (WE CAN)

West County Community Action Network (WE CAN) is a grassroots organization of individuals who live and work in West St. Louis County. Beginning in 2014 following the murder of Michael Brown, a group of community members began holding Black Lives Matter vigils in their West County home. Since then, we have grown to be a network of folks advocating for racial justice in schools, police departments, and communities. Together we build community, promote justice for all, and work to improve our West County home.


We Stories​

We Stories engages White families to change the conversation about and build momentum towards racial equity in St. Louis. Families join our community through a program that uses diverse children’s books to help these parents start and strengthen family conversations about race and racism, and connects those parents to parents like them who are navigating these conversations too. We then continue our work by training and empowering these parents to act and to advocate for racial equity across the region. We Stories families are increasingly speaking up and making change in their homes, their schools, their communities, and across the region.

Adelaide Lancaster, Co-founder

Coalition members participate in monthly meetings to update each other on our work, celebrate successes, and collaborate to overcome struggles.  Members are asked to help with and promote coalition events, and can submit their events for promotion through the Coalition website and email list. Coalition members will also receive email updates about events, regional work, and calls for volunteers.