Current Reality

Implicit or unconscious bias refers to the quick or automatic assumptions we make that affect our understanding of the world, as well as our actions and decisions. We often do not recognize or identify an unconscious bias as a part of our thought process in real time.

Implicit bias leads educators to assume that Black students are more adultlike, with a reduced need for protection and a greater responsibility for their behaviors. These beliefs, usually deeply embedded beneath the level of conscious awareness, can lead educators to monitor Black students more closely and punish them more severely. Students of color are also more likely than their white peers to be disciplined for ordinary student infractions, including more subjective offenses such as disrespect and insubordination.


Anti-Bias Training provides education on systems of privilege and oppression and promotes skills in inclusivity and empathy. These trainings typically encourage individual reflection on identities, including positions of privilege and oppression. Anti-bias trainings focus on teaching educators and community members the history of oppression regarding race, sexual- and gender-identities, and ability. These programs intend to help individuals identify and address implicit and explicit biases within systems.

Success Story

City Garden Montessori School has incorporated racial equity in education into its institutional mandate and purpose. The school is intentional in applying and weaving in anti-bias and anti-racism (ABAR) training, practices, and content into all aspects. Beginning with training, City Garden provides 3.5 weeks of professional development before the school year begins. During this time, 2.5 days are dedicated to ABAR training, provided by Crossroads, for all new employees. An additional one to two days are spent in various stages of reflection on self, teaching teams, institutions, and the education system. There are several opportunities for continued growth and advancement in ABAR efforts throughout the year.