The Keep Kids in Class Coalition (KKIC) envisions equitable school learning environments where all children are supported to thrive. We seek to accomplish this by reforming school district policies and structural practices that disproportionately push Black students out of the classroom and onto paths that lead to engagement with the juvenile and criminal justice systems. This work is beyond any single individual and takes a village of dedicated organizations and localized organizing groups to push forward progress. Therefore, the KKIC is specifically structured to work in service of the on-the-ground work occurring in regional districts. District Organizing Teams are small, school-district-focused groups that craft and implement strategy for advocating for the coalition’s platform in a given school district. 

KKIC currently seeks to increase awareness of this issue, support recruitment for existing District Organizing Teams, and support the development of advocacy efforts in districts where there currently is no active work happening.

Our Structure

The Keep Kids in Class Coalition is specifically structured to work in service of the organizing occurring in regional districts. Called District Organizing Teams, these are school-district-focused groups that champion the coalition’s platform in a given school district.

Our Goal

The Keep Kids in Class Coalition seeks to increase awareness of this issue, support recruitment for existing District Organizing Teams, and help develop advocacy efforts in districts where there currently is no active work happening.